Best 6 Gardening Apps for Beginners in 2023

Modern times have eliminated us from nature. However, you still may want to have a garden with flowers, vegetables, and fruits. Because, growing plants brings us calmness, peace, and health. If you are planning to have a garden or already have one, you should educate yourself about the botanic sciences. In order to help improve your knowledge and experiences on the botanic, we have compiled the best gardening apps for beginners and professionals.

1. Planter

Planter app

Price: Free / subscription plans

Availability: iOS & Android

Planter is an application to help out with garden planning. To use it in the most beneficial way, you should first choose the dimensions and type of your pot where you will seed. The second step is selecting the plant which you want to grow. Then, the Planter app will show you every piece of information you need to grow this plant in your pot.

In the Quick Info section, Planter tells you the spacing and depth of seeds. Moreover, it lets you know the ideal levels of sun, water, season, and frost. Another great information that Planter provides us is about companion and combative plants.

Companion plants mean plants that you can seed together in the same plot. Combative, contrary, is meaning that the plants you should avoid seeding in the same plot. As a bonus, you can find out what common diseases may happen to your plants.


  • Informs you about garden planning
  • Learn how to grow your own plants
  • Tells the ideal level of sun, water, season, and frost
  • Learn what are the companion and combative plants
  • Find out what your plant’s common diseases are

2. LeafSnap

LeafSnap is among the best gardening apps to grow your plants

Price: Free/premium versions

Availability: iOS & Android

LeafSnap is one of the best gardening apps not only for beginners but also for professionals. Its most outstanding feature is the artificial intelligence it uses to identify which kind of plants you have. You take a picture via the app or upload a photo of your plant to let LeafSnap analyze and tell you which plant it is.

What LeafSnap can do for your plant isn’t limited to identifying them, on the contrary, it’s just the beginning. It provides you the crucial info about the identified plant so you can grow it healthier. Water and light requirements, biological knowledge, and how to grow info are some of the beneficial information it provides to gardeners.


  • Recognizes almost %90 of all plants, flowers, fruits, and trees
  • Uses AI tech to identify plants
  • Tells you how to grow them
  • Learn the crucial info about the water and light needs of your plant
  • Create plant collections

3. Gardenize

Gardenize application for a better garden

Price: Free / subscription plans

Availability: iOS & Android

Gardenize is among the best gardening apps to help you keep track of the growth of your plants. It provides some important information about how to grow plants and tells you the location, crop rotation, sun, and water requirements.

It also has a news section to gather the latest trends and special articles on gardening. Apart from this, there are many useful sections. In these sections, you can find out special tasks for watering, harvesting, and creating a public or private garden profile. Here, you can take pictures of your plants, take notes on that pics and share them on your profile.

The best thing is that Gardenize allows you to set reminders to be notified about important tasks. The app also allows you to join gardener communities to spread and learn new information on gardening, as well as share the growth process of your plants. Moreover, it provides a built-in calendar.

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  • Helps you keep track of the growth situation of your plants
  • Tells you beneficial info and makes suggestions for your plants
  • Provides news, latest trends, and articles on gardening
  • Achieve special tasks every day
  • Create a profile, take pics of your plants, take notes on them, and share
  • Set reminders to be notified of tasks and news

4. My Soil

My Soil the best gardener app for your soil
My Soil

Price: Free

Availability: iOS

The way to have healthier soil passes through the conscious use of fertilizers. Although the maintenance of the soil is difficult, this is necessary for fertile and lively soil. Don’t you know enough about soil care? Don’t worry, cause there are applications developed for this and My Soil’s among the best gardening apps, especially when it comes to soil care.

This app will help you how to learn the nutrition and pH levels of your soil. By this means, you’ll be informed about how to take care of it. Moreover, the app has a fertilizer calculator that will let you know how much fertilizer your soil should have.

My Soil app is completely free to use and suitable more for gardeners who want to know the critical information about their local soil.


  • Learn the right soil care
  • Find out the appropriate fertilizer and nutrition levels for your soil
  • Provides an in-app fertilizer calculator
  • Soil mapping data for European soils

5. iNaturalist

iNaturalist is one of the best gardening apps for smartphones

Price: Free

Availability: iOS & Android

iNaturalist, established by the California Academy of Sciences and National Geographic, is a great network for Gardeners and nature lovers from all around the world. You can share your observations and pics with others, as well as keep track of your plant’s growth. It allows you to explore new observations, observers, species, and identifications upon a map view.

Besides being a social network for you, it also has you covered with tons of knowledge about plants and your gardens. Moreover, you can use it to identify not only plants but also many species including animals. The good thing is that iNaturalist shares the photos and videos of species it can’t identify with its huge community to get community-based knowledge for you.

It lets you join monthly observation challenges, earn badges and share your adventures with others.

Although this is not an application specially designed for gardening, iNaturalist is among the must-have Best Hiking Apps because you’ll come across plenty of species outside and may want to know in-depth info about them.


  • A social network for gardeners and naturalists
  • Share or explore new observations, observers, and species
  • Uses image recognition tech to identify species from your pics
  • Earn badges and join monthly observation challenges

6. Grow It!

Grow It! application for learning how to grow fast a plant
Grow It!

Price: Free

Availability: Android

Just like iNaturalist, Grow It has a big community where you can share the growth of your plants, chat with people, and send pics of your garden. Additionally, it has a rich knowledge store to provide information about your gardens and plants.

You can learn in-depth information on crop duration, pH value of Soil, temperature, suitable rainfall, and more. This app is really helpful for people looking for a gardener community to get advice on their plants.


  • Share pics, notes, and the growth process of your plants
  • There is a big community of gardeners
  • Provides a rich encyclopedia about your plants and gardens

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